English for math and science. Because globally people use the language as information and/or technology language at this moment. How dangerous it is if we were to use these words in Bahasa, especially in schools. See example below.
hardware = barangkeras
software = baranglembut
joystick = batang gembira
plug and play = cucuk dan main
port = lubang
server = pelayan
client = pelanggan
software = baranglembut
joystick = batang gembira
plug and play = cucuk dan main
port = lubang
server = pelayan
client = pelanggan
Try to translate this:
"That server gives a plug and play service to the clients using either hardware or software joystick. The joystick goes into the port of the client."
"Pelayan itu memberi pelanggannya layanan cucuk dan main dengan menggunakan batang gembira jenis keras atau lembut. Batang gembira itu dimasukkan ke dalam lubang pelanggan."
Now You Know.... How terrible is it!!!!!

beb letak la butang share sekali!mane ko dpt neh?
okeh2 nanti aku letak..
cara lain kalo nak share ko klik jer kat tajuk tu patu copy url kat ats..
gitu lak jadinyer ye umu....ishhh...ishhh....haru sungguh....:P
ehheeh tu la pasal..
lain plak jadiknye rkeh keh keh
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