Thursday, May 14

Cerahkan Kulit Anda Tak Sampai Seminit!

Salah satu lotion badan yang memutihkan kulit
yang boleh mengeluarkan air!! aik ape ke pelik 
sapu lotion keluar air?? tak caya? tengok video 
review kat bawah nanti ya... bila sapu lotion ni
ada keluar air sikit dan kulit akan jadi lebih lembut
dan mencerahkan dan ia mengandungi SPF yang tinggi..

so sesuai nak keluar bersiar-siar, bersukan, mandi laut,
atau kerja2 di bawah terik mentari sangat sesuai pakai
lotion ni.. kulit anda akan dilindungi dan cerah selalu..

Orang yang biasa buat kerja outdoor 
sesuai sangat dengan lotion ni...

Kelebihan Cool-cool Blink :
~ Krim yang lembut seperti sutera
~ Mencerahkan dan melembutkan kulit
~ Bahan campuran terbaik dari Moon Jelly Fish, 
Wakasa Jepun berfungsi untuk mencerahkan
~ Memberi kesegaran pada kulit dan 
melindungi kulit dari cahaya matahari

Baby Kiss Cool Cool Blink
Whitening lotion in a soft and silky texture like whipped
 cream to brighten your skin with smooth, vibrant look
 once applied. Precious blend of an extremely moisturizing
 extracts from Moon Jelly Fish at the bay of Wakasa Japan 
in the cream and decomposes into watery released form 
when massaging the cream onto the skin to experience new
 whitening lotion. To provide freshness to your body and
 soothe your skin while protect the skin 50 times against
 sun light. With deep sea extracts of the ocean species,
 it eases your our outdoor activities and sun
 exposure with nothing to be worry about. 

What are the different colors of
 Baby Kiss Cool Cool Blink?

1. Baby Blue – Coconut flavour :
A Light Blue whipped cream suits to all red-white, 
and yellow-white women to bring out an aura brightness 
as being in the spotlighting for more attractive looks 
and standingout as the celeb on their own. 

2. Pretty Peach – Peach Flavour
Peach colored whipped cream, suits to very pale to 
yellow-white women to look healthy and pinky skin
 like a kid who likes to eat tomatoes in winter.

3. Pastel Yellow – Pineapple Flavour
Pastel Yellow whipped cream, suits to yellowish and 
brown skin women to promote the skin naturally radiant 
with whitening and lightening, not a dummy, appearance.
 It helps to keep skin harmonized soft and smooth looks.


kulit anda dilindungi dari sinaran UV dan
cerah dalam masa tak sampai seminit!!

whatsapp 0168880684 Atiah

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